Charter Financial Services are recognized auditing professionals. As a professional firm, we are required to follow a range of standards, codes of practice and requirements.
Our strong work ethics, continuous focus on the needs of our clients, as well as our attention to detail ensures our clients receive a high quality audit service.
As a registered Company Auditor and a SMSF accredited auditor, we possess the required capabilities and competencies to conduct a compliance audit of an SMSF, including full knowledge and application of the relevant legislation.
Our auditing expertise includes:
Company audits
SMSF audits
AFS license audits
Trust Account audits for the legal profession, real estate and settlement agents
Governments; Local and State
Audit of recoverable outgoings
Audit of not-for-profit organisations including:
Incorporated Associations
Companies Limited by Guarantee
Indigenous Corporations
Surf Clubs
Sporting Clubs
To discuss your audit requirements or for more information please contact Barry Levin
on 08 9226 5123 or email